martes, 18 de diciembre de 2012

Adobo de pollo desde España a Filipinas / Chicken Adobo from Spain to the Philipines

How much time does it take for a nation to establish it own  national dish ?
How strong should be the recipe and the identity of the population to keep the idea that is a national dish?Adobo -  Ive heard this word in Spain in  many  recipes and it is certain  this word appears in thousands of preparations, adobar means marinate, you will find  different kinds of adobo chicken, beef, pork and squid adobos all of them marinated in a rich marinade with vinegar, some black pepper corns and  soy sauce for no less than 12 hours.                                                                      

I  prepare it frequently,  but I have made some changes from the original recipe .
The first time I tasted it in Manila was a mix of sensations in my mouth, from one side Chinese because of the appearance of soy sauce and Spanish of the other side  with vinegar and garlic touch .
 Also I have tasted specialities as Crispy pata (3 times fried pig feet with chili, lime and soy dipping sauce), lumpias (springrolls pinoy), adobong pusuit (squid adobo), pancit canton (rice noddles with vegetables and meat), siningang sampaloc(tamarind and vegetable broth), Sia pao (steamed bread with stuffing)
The main diferences between the original recipe  is that after the chicken  has been marinated  I added corn starch to it. Later  I stir fry it in a wok or frying pan with vegetable oil. This procedure gives place to an exotic crispiness and the marinade flavours remain inside the chicken. After that I finished the sauce and simmered the chicken peaces into the sauce.

Chicken Adobo
(Serves 6)
- 2 lb of boneless chicken breast or thighs (or mixed)
- 1 red chili pepper
- 4  garlic cloves
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1/3 cup of vinegar (red wine, rice or apple)
- 1 1/4 cup of soy sauce low in sodium
- Oil
- 5 tablespoons cornstarch
- 1 teaspoon ground coriander
- 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
- ½ chopped onion
-2 ladles  of chicken broth (1 cup.)

1. Cut chicken into cubes, marinate it in vinegar, soy sauce, chopped garlic cloves, chili powder, brown sugar, mix well and marinate in refrigerator for at least 1 hour. (Can marinate for a night to another, can absorb all the liquid then add to the sauce back the same amount of ingredients)

2. Strain the chicken from the marinade and dry the excess liquid, in a bowl add required amount of cornstarch about 4-5 tablespoons and mix the chicken with the cornstarch to hand until pasty, in a wok or frying pan add a splash of hot oil well seal all sides until crispy and juicy spice and keep it in a warm place, repeat this process in small batches 2 more times.

3. For the sauce. In a pot or pan half sweat chopped onions, then add 1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds and 1 teaspoon ground coriander sweat for a minute over low heat to release their perfume. Add the 2 ladles chicken broth, boil after adding the liquid marinade, boil once went down to low heat and impurities will rise  we remove with slotted spoon, add 1 tablespoon of cornstarch diluted in broth, when the sauce boils we add       it beating slowly. then we strain the sauce.
Before serving add the chicken to the  boiling sauce, serve with some chopped parsley, chives or fresh cilantro.

jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2012

Tournedos de Lomo con reducción de vino tinto/Beef tenderloin medalion with red wine reduction

It could be a classic an oldie, but classics always help me to think twice the decisions I have to make. In this case my decision was to add some sweet flavors to the sauce, honey, brown sugar and a beef stock made from loin trimmings, this are the keys to create this dish. For the sauce use a good wine one drinkable. 
I`ve been in Bourdeaux shame I didn`t have it. 
I remember when we  went to chateaux Margaux, Marie brizard, Sauterns  with my kitchen mates from ferrandi school we run around every gourmand corner but still didn`t have it, by the way my regards to all of them and to chef Monsieur Marcouiller. 
The original recepe is made with Bordeaux and maroow bone , but now a days most chef use a good drinkable wine, merlot, malbec , cabernet suavignion. don`t use tannat please I repeat no tanat tanat no for god´s sake. A la votre !!

(Para 4 personas)

- 4 tournedos (medallones) de lomo de 200 gr aprox.
-aceite de oliva
-sal entrefina parrillera y pimienta negra de molinillo
Salsa reducción de vino tinto
-150 gr de carne del cordón del lomo u otro corte, cortada en trocitos
-1 cebolla cortada en mirpoix
-1 zanahoria cortada en mirpoix

-1 hoja de laurel, 1 rama de tomillo, 1 rama de romero

-1 diente de ajo

-5 granos de pimienta

-2 tazas de agua

-1 taza de vino
-1 cucharada sopera de azúcar rubia o miel
Salsa reducción de vino tinto fácil
Buerre manie (para ligar la salsa)
-30 gr de manteca
-10  gr de harina


1. Para la salsa
Caldo de carne
En una olla dorar la carne (enharinarla un poco es opcional) con unas gotas de aceite, una vez bien dorada agregar la zanahoria y cebollas cortadas en mirpoix, dorar hasta que tomen buen color agregar un chorrito de vino tinto para desglasar los azucares de la carne que caramelizaron en el fondo de la olla, evaporar el vino a la 1/2 y cubrir con las 2 tazas de agua, agregar el tomillo, romero, laurel y diente de ajo golpeado con la mano o cuchillo y granos de pimienta, no salar, salamos al final si es necesario cuando la salsa este por servirse. Cocinar este caldo por 1 hora.
2. Reducción de vino tinto
Una vez pronto el caldo, lo colamos. Sobre una olla pequeña colocamos la misma cantidad en volumen de caldo y de vino tinto, una taza y una taza.
Lo llevamos a hervor agregamos la cucharada de azúcar rubia o miel y lo dejamos reducir hasta un poquito más de la mitad de volumen hasta obtener casi una taza de liquido. Esto llevara 30 minutos aproximadamente.
Una vez reducida hay que espesarla con el beurre manie, el beurre manie se prepara pisando la manteca con ayuda de tenedor o con la mano,  incorporamos la harina de apoco hasta formar una masa media granulada una vez pronta la dejamos a temperatura ambiente.
Con la salsa hirviendo a borbotones pequeños incorporamos de apoco el beurre manie y vamos batiendo con batidor de forma que se integre a la salsa y de apoco ira espesando, agregar la mitad del beurre manie y una vez incorporado tomar una cuchara sopera y si la parte anterior de la cuchara queda completamente cubierta de salsa sin que se desprenda de forma líquida la consistencia es la correcta, sino agregar un poco más hasta obtener la consistencia deseada.
Rectificar con sal y pimienta negra recién molida, y siempre servirla hirviendo sobre la carne a salsear.

3. Tournedos de lomo
Precalentar el horno por 5 minutos a 200°C, porcionar el lomo en medallones de 2 cm de ancho, salar con sal entrefina parrillera y pimentar a gusto, sellar en sartén teflón de sus dos lados con buen color. Retirar y llevar al horno por 8 minutos, la cocción será  a punto. Cocinar por 6 minutos y la cocción será jugosa.

Presentar el lomo al lado 4 rodajas de papa miette con una ensalada de hojas verdes y salsear la carne con salsa hirviendo y bordear el plato con la salsa, agregar ciboullete picado por encima del lomo.

(4 servings)

 - 4 tenderloin medalion of 7 oz each
 -Kasher salt and black pepper
 Red wine reduction sauce
-5 oz beef tenderloin trimming or other cut, diced
-1 Onion cut into mirpoix
-1 Carrot cut into mirpoix
-1 Bay leaf, 1 sprig thyme, 1 sprig of rosemary
-1 clove of garlic
-2 Cups water
-1 Cup of red  drinkable wine
-1 Tablespoon brown sugar or honey

Buerre manie (to thiken the sauce)
-1 oz of butter
-0.35 oz flour


1. For the sauce
Prepare Beef broth
In a saucepan brown the meat trimming (flower on it is optional) with a few drops of oil once golden brown add the carrots and onions cut into mirpoix, stir until they have good color add a splash of red wine to deglaze sugars caramelization meat in the bottom of the pan, cover with 2 cups of water once the wine had evaporate  to half of the volume bring to a boil and skim if necesary, add the thyme, rosemary, bay leaf and a entire garlic clove  and black peppercorns, don`t do any seasoning until the end, only  if is necessary when the sauce is reduced. Simmer for 1 hour. Then strain and reserve the  liquid.
2. Red wine reduction
On a small saucepan place the same amount by volume of broth and red wine, 1 cup and 1 cup. Bring it to a boil and add a tablespoon of brown sugar or honey and let reduce until we have a cup of liquid. This will take about 30 minutes.
Once is reduced we have to thicken it  with beurre manie.
For  the beurre manie 
Set the butter to room temperature and add the flour to it using a fork or by hand until it forms a grainy dough.
With the boiling sauce  incorporate by small batches the  beurre manie  whisking constantly to incorporate into the sauce,  add  until desired consistency.
Season with salt and fresh ground black pepper, and serve always boiling on  the meat.

3. Beef Tenderloin medalion
Preheat the oven for 5 minutes at 392 Fº, season with kasher salt  black pepper and sear it  in fryingpan both sides with good color. Remove it from the stove and place in the oven for 5 to 6 minutes to have a medium rare or 8 minutes for done.

Present with  4 slices of provence miette potatoes  and fresh green salad and dress the meat with boiling sauce then add chopped chives.


lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012

Salmon Tartare

Esta receta tiene sus orígenes en la hoy conocida Mongolia, se emplea en oriente y occidente tanto en la alta gastronomía mundial así como también la encontraras como relleno de sushi y tekamakis en Japón.
En este caso la preparamos al estilo japonés, donde ingredientes como el verdeo, jengibre, chile y aceite de sésamo complementan perfectamente con el colágeno fresco del salmón.
Lo acompañé de su piel crocante SALMON SKIN delicioso glaseado de su piel crocante con salsa de soja, azúcar y vino y una raita de pepinos refrescante y especiada con  eneldo, yogurt, crema, comino y lima.
Muchos sabores conducen a un mismo lugar, el placer. 
Donde lo fresco y natural producen el clímax de preparar un plato, la perfección se logra con el producto mismo nosotros tenemos las herramientas para poder condimentarlo  y de una manera u otra lograr maximizar los sabores. Bien venidos a MartánCocina .

(para 4 personas)


- 500 gr. de salmón fresco sin piel.
1 cucharada de jengibre fresco rallado.
- 1 chile fresco picado sin semillas.
1/2 cebolla de verdeo picada (la parte blanca).
-1/4 atado de ciboulete picado.
ralladura de una lima.
- jugo de1 a 2 limas.
- 2 cucharadas de aceite de sésamo.
- 2 a 3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva.
- sal y pimienta.


Tomar el salmón y cortarlo en cubitos muy pequeños o simplemente picarlo y reservar en heladera, a la hora de servir el tartar condimentarlo junto al resto de ingredientes.
Mezclar salmón junto a la cebolla de verdeo, el jengibre fresco, aceite de sésamo, la ralladura de lima, aceite de oliva, jugo de lima, sal y pimienta, y  el cibouLlete picado.
Servir el tartar en un molde cilíndrico acompañar de salmón skin y raita de pepinos.
Importante reservar en la heladera por 15 minutos antes de servir.

This recipe has its origins in Mongolia known today, is used in both Eastern and Western world of haute cuisine as well as find and fill tekamakis sushi in Japan.
In this case, I prepared Japanese style, where ingredients such as green onions, ginger, chili and sesame oil perfectly complement the fresh salmon collagen.
I accompanied with  SALMON SKIN delicious crispy skin glaced with soy sauce, sugar and wine and a refreshing cucumber raita and spiced with dill, yogurt, cream, cumin and lime.
Many flavors lead to the same place, pleasure.
Where the fresh and  natural ingredients produce the climax of preparing a dish, perfection is achieved by the product itself about Us have the tool to spice and one way or another to achieve maximize the flavors. Wellcome to MartánCocina.

 (4 servings)


- 500 gr. skinless fresh salmon.
- 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger.
- 1 chopped fresh chilli seeded.
- 1/2 chopped green onions (white part).
- 1/4 bunch of chopped chives.
- Zest of one lime.
- Juice from 1 to 2 limes.
- 2 tablespoons sesame oil.
- 2-3 tablespoons olive oil.
- Salt and pepper.


Take the salmon and cut into very small cubes or just chop and reserve in refrigerator, serve when the tartare spice along with the other ingredients.
Mix salmon with green onions, fresh ginger, sesame oil, lime zest, olive oil, lime juice, salt and pepper, and chopped chives.
Serve the tartar in a cylindrical mold accompany salmon skin and cucumber raita.
Important book in the refrigerator for 15 minutes before serving.